515 N. Murray Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO

Property Status
Lot Size
.75 AC
Building Size
2,200 SF
Deal Type
This was an existing gas station in a trade area where Starbucks needed a new drive-thru location. We had made progress with the owner about buying this property and developing it for a new Starbucks, but Starbucks turned us down saying they were working on another deal that would cover this area.
We kept this site “warm”, thinking that the other deal Starbucks was looking at wouldn’t come together—and it didn’t. However, for this site to work, we needed to get cross access from the adjacent property and we needed the city traffic department to be flexible in how the median on Murray Blvd worked. Thankfully, the traffic department was willing to allow us to modify the median in a way that worked for Starbucks and we got this done.
J. Clint Jameson, CDP
Managing Partner